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Fine and contemporary art galleries

Featuring artworks from our permanent collections and special exhibitions.

A painting of people in a rowboat on a river. There are houses and trees in the background.

Our art galleries host an exciting programme of special exhibitions throughout the year. They also showcase traditional, contemporary, and modern art from our permanent collections.

Colman Art Galleries

Norwich Castle is home to the world's largest collection of works by artists of the Norwich School. These are displayed in the Colman Art Galleries.

The Norwich School of Artists was the first regional society of artists established in England. Notable members include John Crome, John Sell Cotman, Joseph Stannard, and George Vincent.

Most of the works in these galleries were bequeathed to the museum by Russell James Colman of Colman's Mustard in 1946.

'The stature of the signature works, especially of the first generation Norwich School artists, is of wider than regional significance; indeed there is no comparator among European Schools of painting of that period.'

Marjorie Allthorpe-Guyton, Director of Art, Arts Council England (1993 - 2006).

The Colman Art Galleries are on the ground floor.

Norwich Union and Bernard Matthews galleries

The Norwich Union and Bernard Matthews exhibition galleries host a huge variety of special exhibitions - from art and photography to archaeology and social history.

Exhibitions curated in-house have included:

  • Nelson and Norfolk - exploring the life and legacy of Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson
  • Rembrandt: Lightening the Darkness - showcasing a little-known collection of Rembrandt etchings
  • The Last Voyage of the Gloucester: Norfolk's Royal Shipwreck, 1682

These galleries also host major touring exhibitions, including those from the British Museum, Hayward Touring, and the Arts Council Collection.

The Norwich Union and Bernard Matthews galleries are on the ground floor.

Timothy Gurney Gallery

The Timothy Gurney Gallery is dedicated to the display of 20th century and contemporary art. Artworks on display change regularly, showcasing items from the Castle's permanent collection as well as special exhibitions.

The Timothy Gurney Gallery is on the first floor.

East Anglian Painters Gallery

The artists featured in this gallery all share a love of East Anglia and called Norfolk home at some point in their lives.

These works show the effects that are possible when artists paint in the open air. They include paintings and sketches by Alfred Munnings, John Arnesby Brown, and Edward Seago.

The East Anglian Painters Gallery is on the ground floor.

Victorian Picture Gallery

The Victorian Picture Gallery houses large and atmospheric landscapes which were so popular in the period. The paintings are set out in a style fashionable in the 19th century. They all have a local connection through their subject, artist or collector.

Keep an eye out for the famous Edward Burne-Jones work 'Annunciation'. It was a gift from Lord Battersea, a well-known Pre-Raphaelite art collector who enjoyed many holidays in Norfolk.

The Victorian Picture Gallery is on the ground floor.

English Country House Gallery

Explore a variety of artworks and sculptures typical of those seen in an English country house during 1700-1830.

Portrait painters of the time were usually asked to suggest the status of their patrons, evoking an atmosphere of wealth and elegance in the artwork.

The English Country House Gallery is on the ground floor.

Northern Europe Gallery

Our Northern Europe Gallery features works from members of the Dutch School.

Must-see artworks include:

  • The Paston Treasure - a magnificent 17th century painting commissioned to display a family's extravagant collection
  • The soaring oil on canvas of the Tower of Babel by Tobias Verhaecht

The Northern Europe Gallery is on the ground floor.

Colman Project Space

This intimate gallery space showcases work by artists inspired by the Castle's permanent collections.

The Colman Project Space is on the ground floor.

Colman Watercolour Gallery

This gallery hosts changing exhibitions of watercolours, drawings and prints from the Castle's permanent collections.

The Colman Watercolour Gallery is on the ground floor.

Search our collections

You can read more about our fine art collection on the Norfolk Museums Collections website.

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